Why does cancer strike some and not others?

Have you ever asked yourself if cancer is a hereditary disease? Surprisingly, research has revealed that there is a close relationship between cancer and the type of lifestyle or body processes. Cancer is disease that is logical and has coordinated processes in which certain cells gain special abilities. Before cancer can start, a precise sequence […]

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Genesis HHC launches new website

Genesis Holistic Health Centre (GHHC) is proud to announce the launch of its new interactive website, an online informative platform designed to encourage and promote a good and healthy lifestyle tho it’s valued clients and the general public. This medium consists of the services offered by GHHC and health tips that could be very useful […]

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Difference -Juices vs Smoothies

Everyday when you are up for breakfast, have you ever wondered if you can simply make a juice or a smoothy? Or has it ever occurred to you if getting a smoothie and a juice are the same thing. Is there a difference? Yes, these are two very different things. Both are very healthy for […]

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5 Steps to create Good Health Habit

To take care of your body this season, strictly follow the Morning Routine in the first 30 minutes when you wake up daily. Drink 500 milliliters of water at room temperature with lemon juice, applecider vinegar or a drop of flaxseed oil. This flushes out toxins, helps digestion and hydrates you. 5 minutes of Prayer, […]

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Is Milk Good for the Body?

One of the best campaigns of all time, but where is the truth? ‘Milk Does the Body Good’ Is the Biggest Lie Ever and How Government Helps Big Dairy Sell Milk. Despite the fact that one can get their daily recommendation of calcium, potassium, and protein from fruits and vegetables, the dairy industry has spent […]

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